Call for Workshop Proposals

Important dates

Workshop proposal submission: May 15th, 2020
Notification: May 29th, 2020
Workshop paper deadline: August 28th, 2020
Camera Ready: October 2nd, 2020

Call for workshops

MobiQuitous 2020 invites proposals for workshops of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, to be held in Darmstadt, Germany, December 7-9, 2020.

We are soliciting workshop proposals on any topic of relevance to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. Workshops are a great opportunity for community building and a forum for attendees with common interests. Accepted workshop papers are included in the adjunct proceedings of the Mobiquitous Conference and will be accessible via the ACM digital library.

The purpose of the workshops is to provide a venue for presenting novel ideas in a less formal and typically more focused area than the main conference. Note that Mobiquitous workshops are expected to stimulate discussions on state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and perhaps controversial topics. Workshops should be organized to promote lively interaction and plans to promote interaction and discussion must be clearly addressed in the written workshop proposals. The organizers of accepted workshops are required to announce the workshop and call for papers, solicit submissions, conduct the reviewing process, and decide upon the final workshop program. At least one organizer must be physically present at the workshop.

Workshop proposals are solicited in all areas and topics pertaining to research and applications in Mobile and Ubiquitous systems. Workshops addressing new emerging research directions in Mobile and Ubiquitous systems are especially welcome. Further, workshops with novel formats, e.g., focused on a specific topic in a tutorial-style fashion, are strongly encouraged.

The page limit for accepted regular workshop papers is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.

Pre-proposal Submission Inquiries

Should you wish to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal, feel free to contact the Workshop Chair, Stephan Sigg ([email protected]).

Proposal Template

Each workshop proposal must include:

* Title and acronym of the workshop
* Workshop Organizers (names, affiliation, short bio and contact information)
* Description of the technical issues covered, emphasizing the timeliness of the proposed workshop
* Names of prospective program committee members and invited speakers (of possible, indication that speakers accepted)
* Planned format of the workshop e.g.
** keynotes, panels (and panel formats) etc.
* If appropriate, a description of past versions of the workshop, including number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees
* Description of the publicity plan
* Draft Call for Papers

Workshop Selection Process

Workshops will be reviewed based on several factors, including:
* The potential for the topic of the workshop to generate stimulating discussions and useful results.
* The expected interest of the community in the workshop topic.
* The quality, organization and plan described in the workshop proposal.
* Relevance to the main conference.

Workshop Organizers’ Responsibilities

The organizers of each workshop will:
* Publicize the workshop with a call for participation via the MobiQuitous website
* Set up an own web site for the workshop containing more details on the workshop, including CFP, workshop format, plans for publication (if any), participants, program, etc.
* Provide address of workshop website to conference organizers ( will then point to the individual workshop websites)
* Encourage potential participants to submit papers
* Work with the MobiQuitous Publication Chairs to include workshop papers in the ACM digital library and the supplementary proceedings
* Work with the MobiQuitous Workshop Chair to arrange the workshop
* Actively run the workshop

Submitting Your Proposal

Please email your proposal directly to the workshops chair: Stephan Sigg ([email protected]). The deadline for submission is May 15, 2020. The submission should be a single PDF file, including both the proposal (max. 4 pages) and an appended CFP.

Workshop Chair
Stephan Sigg, Aalto University, Finland ([email protected])